Friday 15 February 2013

Just Something!

As I stood on the cross roads of life, there’s so much that went by.
I waited.
this waiting seemed like it would never end.

And now as I look forward, I see the fast approaching future!
it’s coming from all directions to get me.
the brim of it is so bright, it’s blinding me!
bright yet silent! This light has engulfed me so much so that.. now I feel lost.
like I am in the middle of nowhere. Everything looks like its frozen.
for me to look beneath the skin, to find what lies underneath of all that’s obvious!!

I am happy to move on..
But this happiness is overtaken with the fears of leaving behind all that I was holding on to!
for so long!
I had got so used to being treated like a pearl inside its sea shell.
Like a dew drop on a leaf blade.
Like the rainbows after any first shower.
Like any day’s first ray of sunshine.

There’s so much I want yet I don’t feel the need of it.
So much I want to tell.. that my own silence now seems deafening.
what do you call this state of life?
one where you want everything to stay as it was when you know it’s defi not possible, where you want things to change but you know they will not!

Life has it’s own ways but
if only, I could get a glimpse of what’s mine but is kept hidden from me.
if only, I could atleast hear people, of situations, and of places that ill go to!

as future conquers my soul the last thing on my mind is, where was I when I was conquered?? What is this place called? And if, there were other people who had come here before me, why didn’t they tell tales of its existence?

will I ever visit this place again?? Or will that be another crossroad with different directions leading to new destinations?

I don’t know of the place I am going to and I don’t know if I’ll ever meet the likeness of you!
but you know what? Sometime’s its better to let go and allow time to take you across the expanse of life!